About SunTrain
Electric transmission of renewable energy can be the least cost solution to enable emission reductions when it is not burdened by the challenges to construct transmission lines which may include permitting, acquisition of land, working around existing infrastructure, and stakeholder opposition. Rail infrastructure is an existing asset which has historically supported coal generators and now presents an alternative mechanism to deliver clean energy at low cost. SunTrain brings an innovative project development solution that moves grid-ready electricity via utility-scale battery energy storage fixed to rail cars.
SunTrain resolves massive transmission bottlenecks that are throttling renewable energy development and generation. SunTrain seamlessly stores green energy from remote solar and wind farms within customized battery containers that are transported over existing railroad networks. This links generation sites and congested substation nodes, bypassing the conventional transmission system. SunTrain solves the problems of decades long transmission bottlenecks through a new means of green energy distribution: “Trainsmission®”.
SunTrain Vision & Mission
Utilize the more than 100,000 miles of rail transportation in the United States to accelerate domestic decarbonization.​
SunTrain reimagines energy transmission and storage by leveraging existing rail infrastructure to deliver scalable, grid-connected solutions that accelerate decarbonization and renewables.